Does Zafirovski Keep Hackney?

When CEO Mike Zafirovski was rebuilding Nortel’s senior management team last year, he wanted to attract high-quality people with strong character, which made sense given the accounting scandal that had engulfed the company in 2004 and 2005. So, what does Zafirovski do with Joel Hackney, senior v.p. of operations and quality, who admitted he was guilty of false imprisonment, assault on a female and communicating threats following a road rage incident in a parking lot after a basketball event last October in North Carolina?

According to the criminal complaint filed against Hackney, he cut off Alicia Ogden in his Audi SUV. When she honked at him, he got out of his car and asked if she had a problem. “He then grabbed the left side of my face,” Ogden said in the affidavit. “I told him not to touch me and he responded that he’ll do what he wants.” (Source: The News Observer) So does Zafirovski keep Hackney, who has agreed to 50 hours of community service and written an apology to Ogden, or does he cut him loose?

Prediction: Hackney gets a slap on the wrist but the incident gets brushed aside as a first-offender, he’s truly sorry, will-never-happen-again kind of thing. Either that or Hackney “resigns” with a nice package.

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143 Responses to “Does Zafirovski Keep Hackney?”

  1. br Says:

    just curios, why is technorati tag “puppi” attached to this article?
    JH must have had lost a basketball game. That’s what is not mentioned why he flipped out.

  2. Mark Evans Says:

    I use a blog publishing tool that, for some reason, uses puppy as the default when you create a new tag.

  3. br Says:

    pardon moi lame excuse.

  4. nortel employee Says:

    Since Nortel is all about ethics these days, does grabbing a 21 yr old girls face ethical? What does this say about our leadership? Come on Mike Z, make the right decision here.

  5. xnortel Says:

    Oh, Hackney is a real winner. When asked about a link between decreasing quality and increased outsourcing he responded “the more Nortel outsources, the higher the quality.” Perhaps execs needs to be outsourced.

  6. jayemmay Says:

    I would hope that Nortel fires Hackney. As part of the settlement agreement of this criminal action, Hackney agreed to undergo a mental health assessment for anger management. The Company does not need such a person as an executive.

    As far as I am concerned, Nortel’s response to this event will impact my view of the company’s integrity.

  7. oh boy! Says:

    A real shame as Hackney is a talented executive. But he does have a problem with anger. For consistency purposes Zman needs to ask him to leave if he really believes in “zero tolerance” of ethical abuses. Proof is in the pudding…

  8. Anonymous Says:

    I’m sure they’ll get rid of him, but pay him for another couple of years like they do everyone else that leaves. “Hey you’re fired, but you don’t have to work again for 3 years. Take that!”. Hard-hitting isn’t it?

  9. Casual Observer Says:

    “Hackney said he left GE because he wanted the opportunity to work with Zafirovski again and to play a role in restoring Nortel’s reputation.”

  10. cbnky Says:

    Joel is a close buddy of Mike Z. He will not be zerminated.

  11. Not Observer Says:

    I don’t think he should be fired. This incident was not a Nortel event nor did it have anything to do with Nortel. If it was a Nortel event, then my view would be different. Should he not be afforded the same opportunity as the rest of us, to keep our personal lives private?

    I hate to say it this way, but if this was another man involved we would never had heard about this incident.

  12. ioiuy Says:

    You don’t get to keep your personal life private if you end up in court. As a senior exec being paid $$$, your character and integrity are important. I doubt that Joel will walk the plank for this incident, but he would have trouble getting a senior exec job or a standard white-collar job with this on his record anywhere in USA. Your actions in a society have consequences…

  13. Jessy Says:

    Great work Joel, not only assaulting a young woman but making light
    of it as a 30 second parking dispute. People who have 30 second
    parking disputes don’t admit guilt to a such serious offences.

    How can Nortel say its a responsible corporate citizen when its
    senior vp hits a defenceless women.
    Is that how much you value women Joel?

    As a woman who has been assaulted by another male and an employee of Nortel you make me feel sick. You should be ashamed of yourself
    and your actions. I hope you one day understand how it feels
    for a female to be treated like that .

    Mike Z … you are always talking about ethics, you say you value women
    in the workplace , well here is your chance to prove you mean what you say.

  14. Norm Says:

    As a cynical person who believes that there are two sides to every story, it is likely that Ms Ogden’s background contributed to this event. I expect we will see her use women’s safety on campus as part of her campaign for student body president in the fall.

    Alicia Ogden In Daily Tarheel

    Student Body President James Allred’s recently appointed cabinet met for the first time Thursday in the student government office. 4/7/06

    Women’s affairs committee:
    Alicia Ogden – vice chairwoman

    Hosted by the women’s affairs committee of student government, attendees listened as Karen Weis, an Air Force lieutenant colonel, discussed her views on opportunity, stereotyping and discrimination against women involved in the military. 11/17/05

    “Coming from outside North Carolina, I’ve never even known anyone in the military,” said junior Alicia Ogden.

    “I thought the best way to learn more would be to get a first-hand account, and after listening to Weis speak I have a completely different perspective.”

    After a scavenger hunt for emergency call boxes on campus, the women’s affairs committee submitted a report to campus leaders highlighting specific areas of concern and recommendations to address them. 11/15/05

    From the women’s committee co-chairwomen Heather Aldersey and Sharita Gruberg attended, as well as Alicia Ogden and Kirsten Schoonmaker – the organizers of the blue light hunt.

  15. jayemmay Says:

    I disagree with the view that Hackney’s behavior is private. It was a criminal matter that went to court. Also, it is a demonstration of a character flaw that should not be acceptable as a boss of employees. Bosses who fly off the handle and into a rage do not serve the interests of the Company.

  16. Concerned Says:

    … how can Mike Zafirovski possible justofy keeping a senior executive that assaults young defenseless women and needs anger management?

  17. anonymous Says:

    If Joel can fly off the handle that badly because a 21 year old girl honks at him after HE cuts her off, then he certainly has it in him to fly off the handle at one of his Nortel employees. Nortel doesn’t need to get hit with a lawsuit.

    He should be terminated. If he isn’t, I think Mike Z will lose credibility with his employees. What sickens me is that he will likely get a golden parachute on his way out. How many hard working employees will be laid off to cover that cost?

  18. The psychiatrist Says:

    While Hackney’s actions are not acceptable, never the less he was hired for a specific reason at Nortel by a leader in Mike Z who knows of Hackney’s abilities and what assets he brings to Nortel.An incident such as this which does not question his duty within his role at Nortel should merit serious consideration and thus would only be appropriate that Mr.Hackney retains his employment at Nortel,as he has acknowledged and paid for his actions outside of his worklife.

    It amazes me at how vindictive people are not only on this blog but in general,when in reality if we all lived in glass houses,it wouldn’t be long before our actions would be scrutinized by others.

    Oh well such is human nature!

  19. anonymous Says:

    As a former NT employee, JH’s screaming style of management is well known within the company… If past internal incidents didn’t raise any red flags to Z, he is now publicly on notice. The next time JH throws a screaming tantrum – someone is going to sue the company.

    Z had the employee base believing that, no matter what else he has done, integrity does matter. Here’s where the rubber meets the road… Will he make the right decision???

  20. Lowcost Says:

    I am sure there is some way of making “zero tolerance” say “almost zero tolerance” or “zero tolerance, but …”

    On the surface, it seems a harsh punishment for a situation that was probably not nearly as one-sided as has been written. The problem is whether it is an indicator of poor judgement.

    I’m sure there are a few people in India, Turkey and China who could all get together and parcel up his job. We could probably save a little money by “right-sourcing” his job to a “low cost center” where people can’t afford the leisure activity of attending sporting events that inflame their anger… or at least where there are larger human-rights abuse problems so that it is no longer debatable whether an action was aweful or just kind of a boo-boo.

  21. Ken Says:

    Google lookup:

    “Assault and battery is the combination of two violent crimes: assault (the threat of violence) and battery (physical violence)”

    He grabbed the women and threatened her. He didn’t beat her up… The guy went way overboard and it sounds like he will pay for his mistake. If he did it to a Nortel employee he would be gone. But dumping him because of a dumb mistake that happened outside of the company? Hopefully they won’t ask him to resign over it.

  22. Not Impressed Says:

    “Hackney referred other questions to Nortel’s public relations department. ” JH seems to think that the incident is Nortel’s business!

  23. Paks Says:

    This is the crossroads for Z – lets hope he has the brains to realize it and the balls to execute correctly – not only Nortel employees are watching – so are Nortel’s customers – present and future!

  24. Anonymous Says:

    To Norm… Are you saying a battered wife or child deserve to be hit? Yes, that’s a bit extreme, but that’s the perception of your opinion.

    But to the psychiatrist and others that think this is just an unacceptable infraction and all that view this are viewing this vindictively, let’s look at this from a parent of a college student perspective. If it was your daughter to whom JH’s anger was directed, would you feel the same way? Certainly if he decided to direct his anger to a more mature individual or another man do you think he would have ventured that course of action?

    And let’s assume that this college student is a very talented student that may have considered employment after her college career with Nortel. Do you think that is a talent that Nortel can acquire now?

    There are many in anger management that don’t have the “public” responsibility of helping to turn around the integrity of a major company. As such, their personal integrity will not be public.

    JH now has the responsibility to repay his debt for his actions. That’s our system in the United States. However, how many have been fired for much less actions that were not spot-lighted to the public.

  25. another someone Says:

    With this, imagine how well he does with customer satisfaction.

    The outcome will be determined on if this gets out on Wall Street.

  26. Concerned Employee Says:

    I think all the employees at Nortel has an ethical right to abide by, on and off work. How can anyone that works in the building with Hackney feel safe after this incident.

    Nortel has endured enough bad press. Hopefully, Mike Z. will do the right thing for Nortel and fire Hackney. We have a company to rebuild and do not need the the distraction or people who act unethically outside work.

  27. another concerned employee Says:

    fire his ass Z-Man

  28. Looking4Ethics Says:

    If it had remained a private incident then there
    would be an argument for him keeping his job.

    When he referred all questions to Nortel’s PR,
    it became a company issue.

    A company looking to improve it’s image cannot
    afford to keep a high profile exec who commits
    assualt and then blows it off as a minor incident.

    He shot himself in the foot on this!

    Now we just have to wait to see how the Zman reacts.

  29. Noshame Says:

    Mr Hackney the Senoir Manager believes he is superior to his subordianates. In this case a 21yr old female was assaulted. Norel does not need them. As a long term employee of Nortel I’m feed up with Senoir Managements actions. It is well known that Mr. Hackney is arrogant and does not take into account others opinions. In this case he has the audacity to put his hands on another person. This wasn’t to defend his family. This was because he was superior in his thinking, that the spot was his. Blowing a horn at him set him off. Good thing he doesn’t live in NY. No excuse can explain his action.

  30. Nortel Pee-On Says:

    I don’t guess Hackney was taught self-control. Hackney is an overpaid ass. Enough said.

  31. yet anoother concerned employee Says:

    I would have to agree with the above comments. As senior vice president who is an officer of the company and represents the company, at his level this is unacceptable behavior. The failure of Mike Z. to have already taken action shows his lack of commitment to his own policies, specifically “zero tolerance”.

    At some point Mike Z’s lack of action will expose Nortel to future lawsuits due to JH’s lack of judgement. JH should be terminated without any benefit whatsoever.

  32. Anti-Psychiatrist Says:

    Letting him remain in Nortel just sends a clear message to investors and the disgruntled low morale employees that this type of abhorrent behaviour, inside ot outiside of work, is acceptable and ethical in the eyes of Mike Z. Period.

  33. another nortel employee Says:

    Nortel is planning a global International Women’s Day Celebration at the same site where Joel Hackney works, in RTP. This should be interesting!!!!

  34. nortel1 Says:

    A) He shouldn’t have done it. Period.
    B) However, what if that girl happened to be the daughter of a customer of Nortel? Say, Verizon or Sprint?

    At Nortel, ethics are very important (according to Mike Z) Or are they only applicable from 9-to-5???

  35. female employee global ops Says:

    Violence is a expression of primitivity especially in case of male against female. What that means concerning a person’s character does not need to get explained in detail. A individual like JH is unabearable as a leader of an organisation where also female employees are bound to. An individual who is not capable of controling himself must not be in the position to decide about other individuals destiny.

  36. xNortel Says:

    Poor Bernadette

  37. employee Says:

    MikeZ – that’s the time to show where your real interest is in…

  38. anonymous Says:

    Does this mean Mike Z hires people with criminal records?

  39. female Says:

    This has nothing to do with spite against Joel. he broke the law and commited a criminal offence.

    If his comment that “he hasnt thought about it much” is true , he
    really needs a reality check.

    yes we dont live in glass houses, but when we do something bad we
    regret it and feel really about it, not just brush it aside
    and move on.

    Im sorry to say this , but Joels behaviour is arrogant and akin to a thug

  40. nortel employee and shareholder Says:

    I urge all nortel employees and shareholders to write to Mike Z
    and tell them how they feel about this.

    How can we celebrate international womens day at RTP and have our
    senior VP Gops getting away with this!!!

  41. curious Says:

    If Nortel PR tell us they support Joel, does that mean they
    are willing to support everyone with a criminal record.

    Im just curious what you need to do b4 u get fired at nortel.

  42. bye bye Joel Says:

    ok ppl read the charges carefully…let them sink in

    1. false imprisonment
    2. assault on a female
    3. communicating threats

    so not 1 , not 2 but 3 charges all of which he pleaded guilty to

    Now… read Joels view

    “It’s such a minor thing that I haven’t been involved in it,” Hackney said today during a telephone interview. “It’s a parking lot argument, like 30 seconds”

    Mike Z u will turn Nortel around with or without Joel. Save us the
    embarrasment and get rid of him

  43. anonymous Says:

    This just opens the door for employees to sue Nortel if they are let go for Ethical reasons. I believe the Employee Code of Conduct was violated here and actions should take place. It does not matter if this occured on campus or outside of work we are all in the spot light.

    I am very disappointed that nothing has taken place by Mike Z.

  44. diddley Says:

    Joel is very good at the one thing that Mike Z prizes more than anything else: being a toadey. You won’t see Joel leaving anytime soon.

  45. coment Says:

    one of the comments above refers to the victims connection with
    student bodies and womens movements and then proceeds to
    state that her position had something to do with Joel getting charged or

    Well thats so typical of some men, blame the victim, she asked for it,
    how dare she honk her horn at a man driving his suv … maybe she should
    have stayed at home in the kitchen too ???

    They guy is an idiot , he has no credebility , I dont care
    if his bosses fire him or not

  46. law Says:

    a. An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another.
    b. The act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another.

    false imprisonment
    complete restraint upon a person’s liberty of movement without legal justification.

    Sound serious? I think so

  47. Just a Shareholder Says:

    A MANAGER does something like that?

    How many women does Nortel employ? Do you think ANY of them won’t know about this incident? And WHAT, might you ask, will they think of “management” that somehow manages to IGNORE something like this?

    At this precarious time in our company’s history, the only thing worse than a Good Old Boys Network is a BAD Old Boys Network.

    Thumbs down.

  48. A Disappointed Shareholder Says:

    How can Mike Z not take action and fire Joel Hackney? Isn’t it a no brainer? Afterall, Z came to Nortel with the mission to restore the company that was raught with fraud and ethics violations. Now, his personal first pick executive is charged and admits guilt to three crimianl accounts.

    Joel Hackney is well known inside of Nortel for having an uncontroled temper. He is well known for having no regard for lower level employees. Especially those that do not agree with his leadership style and business views.

    This comes down to a question of personal character. I do not think Nortel, given its history, and Mike Z’s continual comments in the press about his belief in high ethics can afford to sweep this under the carpet.

  49. Careful observer Says:

    According to the complaint, JH did all of this in front of his wife, child, and 3 other female students who were in the victim’s car. What a great example to society, his child, and the entire University (HIS alma mater). Mike Z’s decision shouldn’t be difficult.

  50. Anonymous Says:

    As a NOrtel employee this is appalling. Ask this question: What would John Chambers do? THis is completely unacceptable….we’re not an NBA or NFL franchise….this is business…not an entertainment industry

  51. Anonymous Says:

    My guess is the good ‘ol boy network will stay together at Nortel. Remember Mike Z and Joel Hackney came up thru the ranks of GE together. How Mike Z handles this will be telling as to whether Nortel has really changed (from an ethics and behavioral standpoint). From reading some of the employee posts here, it appears Mike Z could undo the behavioral and ethical changes he’s implemented unless he reacts to this accordingly. Hackney and Nortel made a mistake in referring to Nortel PR about this. He made it Nortel’s business so now it is Mike Z’s business as well. Of course most of all the ethics/behavior changes has been smokescreen given the cost and competitive challenges Nortel has.

  52. bandwagon Says:

    Perhaps Mike Z has this link. I would think that he does. There’s been nothing on the Nortel Website or news in response. I would assume if this blog gets up to 100 comments before Monday there would need to be something said.
    This will really identify Mike Z’s walk the walk talk the talk….Let’s see what happens.

  53. A Disgusted Shareholder Says:

    In front of his wife and kids? Nice….

    My wife gets upset with me when I make a hidden gesture or cuss under my breath at rude drivers. I can’t even begin to imagine what she’d do if I actually got out of the car or physically assaulted someone, whether or not our kids were with us at the time. I imagine I would be sleeping in an empty house or a hotel room for quite some time.

    From this incident and the comments left, I have a fairly good idea of the judgement and character of Mr. Hackney. How much longer Mr. Zafirovski lets this go will tell me what I need to know about his judgement and character.

  54. David Says:

    Im sure many Nortel employees remember how a top Nortel exec got
    fired over a mile high sex romp back in 2000.

    Now I know this was before Mike Z, but if we fired Nortel execs who made
    love not war *heh heh* … what do we do with Joel?

  55. Jessy Says:

    I say we put Joel head of recruitment at univerisities where he
    can stun potential job applicants with a club and drag them back to his cave

  56. Mike Zafirovski's Advisor Says:

    Dear Mike,

    This is your advisor formally writing you a letter to fire Joel Hackney given that he has completely violated the Nortel Code of Ethics in which you have consistently stated that there will be “absolutely no exceptions”. If you allow Joel Hackney to remain within Nortel, each and every message from the “Office of the CEO” will be completely meaningless, which for each day he remains in the company, is already the case now.

    Roughly half your emloyees are female so you are sending a strong and direct message to them of your own personal ethics and morality each day that he remains within the company and collects a huge salary. There is no way that you can lead with any credibility by allowing this type of behaviour within your executive ranks. Imagine what goes on with him behind closed doors within Nortel.

    CEO Advisor

  57. Anonymous Says:

    I love reading naive postings. The “zero tolerance” and ethics don’t apply to the senior executives, it only for the lowly peasants. Read the head lines of recent events (such as termination of pension plans), Mike and his executives don’t give a squat what the people think and will arrogantly do what ever they want as long as it doesn’t affect the stock price. I agree with Mark Evan’s assessment, all Joel will get is a smack on the wrist and will probably get a raise and a load of stock options since he is Mike’s type of guy.

  58. Cisco Ethics/HR Dept Says:

    Dear MikeZ,

    We at Cisco disagree with the posts on this web site. We recommend that you do nothing about this situation, allowing it to continue to fester with your employees and with the public at large. Of course, it will have no affect on Joel as he obviously hasn’t spent any time reflecting on the situation. Best of luck, and we’ll look for your resume online in the no too distant future.

  59. another nortel employee Says:

    CEO Advisor and others send that letter to

  60. employee Says:

    As an employee I will personally feel abused, taken advantage, lied to and manipulated of if Mike Z does not fire Joel, without a multi-year payout. (Given just on 2,900 jobs are being eliminated and 1,000 are moving offshore how on earth can we afford to pay him anything.)

    Watching with great interest.

  61. europe Says:

    It is now Sunday morning February 25 here in Europe. Roughly 66 hours after the News & Observer has published their article about this incident. It is save to say, that it is already Nortel’s next scandal, that JH is still with this company! That he is shows an obvious disclaimer of Z’s Ethical Zero Tolerance initiative. That would be “to be applied only on stock market visible events”. And as analysts do not seem to care yet, why would Z?
    After all, JH was his pick.

    Continuing with the CEO Advisor’s letter above: Mike, nobody will blame you for not predicting JH’s behaviour in this parking lot incident. Even after knowing him well for years. But not taking the ONLY possible decision here immediately, makes you extremely vulnerable now as well. At least inside Nortel, it would not make much difference, if JH or YOU yourself would have assaulted that young womon!

    JH is to be terminated dishonorable with 0 more delay and obviously with 0 compensation!

  62. The psychiatrist Says:

    Amazing at how many what I would assume are Nortel employees who speaking out in vindictive way,why?

    At the end of the day will firing Mr.Hackney bring you peace and happiness in your lives?

    Although he made a poor judgement in error, does this justify firing him and making the incident look that much worse than it was,last time I recall the girl in question walked away in one piece,no blood or trauma to the body.

    “false imprisonment”- in this case of what amounts to blocking the girls’ pathway?

    Perspective people,try to keep things in perspective-it’s easy to dramatize things that are taken out of context.

    While many may not enjoy the prospect of Mr.Hackney retaining his employment at Nortel,he does play an integral part of the company’s path to recovery,and when weighing everything I would be very surprised if M.’Hackney’s employment would be terminated as a result of an incident that took place away from Nortel ,nor having going against Nortel’s code of ethics as the incident in question bares no relation to Mr.Hackney’s duties as an executive for Nortel.

    Get a grip people no individual is transparent enough to be casting stones towards others with a clean conscience!

  63. not_naive_employee Says:

    Nice to read the comments here, but how can anybody think Joel gets fired? Look at MikeZ and Joel in the past and you can easily predict the future. Joel is restructuring the Global Operations Department. He is well known for his rageous temper. In global Ops no manager including the senior and regional managers dare to express concerns about Joel’s decisions and opinions anymore. All response they got is the question if they are the right person for the job. Command and obediance that’s his style. Some left already beause they couldn’t work with him and some got fired. His decisions upset the low level employee but they will get no explanation just the order “Do what I say”.
    MikeZ isn’t concerned about this and not interested, because all this is part of his plan to turn the company around and let’s be honest, it seems to be working. No concerns are accepted, this is the plan, execute it or go. Maybenot the worst strategy in Nortel’s situation. MikeZ won’t fire Joel nor will he get a slap on his wrist. They will have a beer and say how in hades a court can charge him because he taught a stupid girl not to blow the horn at a top manager. Rather will employees who find Joel’s behaviour unacceptable get fired than Joel himself. I wouldn’t recommend anyone who wants to keep her/his job at Nortel to express concerns about Joel’s misconduct.
    This incident says a lot about Mr. Hackney’s character. How easy would it have been to simply drive on. No, he stepped out of his car to teach the girl and even dared to grab her face. In NY people got shot for those things. I bet this wasn’t the first incident where Joel lost control, but the first time he got accused and sentenced. Bad luck for him, that Alicia Gordon was not intimidated but did the right thing and went to the police. How many girls would have been intimidated and anxious instead, not saying a word? He’s got a mental problem and shouldn’t be responsible for thousands of employees but for sure he will. MikeZ needs him as auxiliary person.
    Joel is an arrogant, imperious and choleric person with a lack of self control and respect for other humans.

    By the way, he should get fired.

  64. A Disappointed Shareholder Says:

    It’s not surprising how many employees and shareholders are speaking out against Joel Hackney given what he did and the lack of judgement that he showed. What is surprising is how many employees are taking this opportunity to share their thoughts on his actions and reputation around the office. His temper, his lack of care for employees. He obviously is feared not respected

    Mike Z, you picked the guy and you are the one that continually preaches high ethics as a cornerstone for Nortel. Your decision, while it may not be easy, is clear. He must go.

  65. Blogger Says:

    One of the more depressing aspects of this affair is Nortel employees having to communicate with each other through an external blog like this, in full gaze of the world. Internally “employee communications” is defined as “the executives telling us things”, normally accompanied, as described above, by “line up behind it or go”. The idea of executives also listening is not considered.

    Although a few of us have internal blogs and there are several almost under-the-counter newsgroups, such direct employee-to-employee communication is seriously discouraged.

    As far as Mike Z’s reaction to Mr Hackney’s actions is concerned, that’s easy. Last October when the event was alleged to have happened, suspension on full pay (innocent until proven guilty). This week, dismissal. Otherwise the whole ethics drive (including the compulsory training we all undertook at the end of last year) is meaningless.

  66. Just a Customer Says:

    Is this how he gets customer satisfaction ratings? Since he’s been there, Nortel customer support has gone from second rate to almost nothing. Even his own people think his idea is to reduce costs by reducing customers.

    Is he also on Avaya’s payroll?

  67. Dedicated Employee Says:

    I cannot believe that our PR department did not get out ahead of the bad press. Why are we always in damage control. I would have had JH at a battered womens shelter doing volunteer work before the news got out.
    Also, have him already taking anger management classes.

    I still agree with the majority of the participants in this blog. JH should be fired for his actions. Nortel does not need unethical people in the executive ranks. No Tolorance Mr Z!!!!!!

  68. To The psychiatrist: Says:


    You population is not just Nortel employees. This is external too.

    Another item that you are missing is that this is what he plead guilty to. If you had ever done any negotiations, you would know that he was probably charge with a much harsher charge and it this was what was negotiated.

    Third, I would not be presumptious enought to speak on your behalf concerning a trama that happened to you. No one has any idea how this has impacted the girl.

  69. Not a Nortel Employee Says:


    I agree with much of what you write.

    This was a parking lot altercation, and though distasteful, not serious.

    Sure, Hackney was wrong in reacting the way he did, but the reality is that these “crimes” were all misdemeanors that would have resulted in little in the way of punishment no matter who the “perp” was.

    This incident was so minor that, assuming Hackney does all required of him, including the anger management and the letter of apology to Ms. Ogden, it will be completely wiped off his record in six months.

    Had it happened in the Nortel parking lot with another Nortel employee, or had he actually struck the woman while she was still in her car, then firing would be warranted, but not in this case.

  70. employee Says:

    Aha, now I got it – this is the way – this is Nortel! Btw who is paying the psychiatrist??

  71. future outsourced employee Says:

    not_naive_employee is exactly right in regards to the leadership style of JH. Its JH’s way only, if you don’t like it your out. I can see this policy in the way Hackney’s manager’s (less frontline managers) talk to us during meetings. They will actually say “If your not on board with senior management, then you should leave the company, find a new career.” Not exactly the best way to come across to highly educated people who are just trying to do their best in this outsourcing environment. In a nutshell, Mike Z most likely will brush this aside as not being material enough to hurt the company. The military style of management will continue. BTW, senior management did not have to take the ethics training.

  72. looking for answers Says:

    Knowing what I do about the justice system, if someone pleads guilty to charges, normally these charges have been reduced from more serious ones. Without the whole story being told, I wonder if there is more to this story than what is printed in the paper? Can someone look up the arrest report and see what the initial charges were? Hackney treats everyone with disrespect and only cares about himself, point being this incident and thinking layoffs will cure what ails Nortel. What ails Nortel is outragous spending by execs who think that Nortel is their sugar daddy and they can spend what they please so long as they keep their jobs or get fired and get a big payout because of it. Executive spending on trips and themselves are out of control. Hire someone at Nortel taht cares about the company and will do the right thing, fix the problem and the problem is not the 2900 employees, it’s the ones at the top!

  73. What Rules Apply? Says:

    Does the Zero Tolerance policy only apply to some of the employees of Nortel? There was no tolerance when someone forgot to prop an important patch to a load in the field which caused an outage. This person was fired. Where is the Zero Tolerance when an Executive brings bad press upon himself and Nortel as a Corporation. This should also be treated with the same Zero Tolerance.

    This is the second major stumble in a matter of a few months for JH. His botched press release concerning the staffing levels at RTP campus could have been avoided. A written release would have prevented being mis-quoted.

    Both of these items have robbed me of my confidence and respect for JH. I am seriously concerned about the negative press and internal employee concern. I know that JH already had a bad reputation within Nortel, but now it has leaked out to the world. When do we stop the bleeding.

  74. female employee Says:

    Maybe some of the females AT Nortel should get an apportunity to teach Mr. Hackney a lesson on how to behave correctly! Obviously nobody else did before and if there is no further reaction from ‘ZMAN’ he is welcome to join that lesson too!
    If JH gets not fired for his inhuman behaviour maybe it is sort of mercy to get laid off as part of his organisation!
    Is it this you guys were looking for.

    BTW – I heard he is expected in Turkey, hopefulle the guys down there are well prepared for that asshole!

  75. xnortel Says:

    Would JH have reacted the same way if there would have been someone on his ‘eye level’. I guess not as wimps don’t do so.

  76. employee Says:

    ZMan get rid of that asshole for your personal and less important for the companies sake (at least currently it is believed that these are your priorities)

  77. The psychiatrist Says:

    While many of the posters seem to support the fact that Mr.Hackney should be fired for his actions, it is also very apparent that they are meshing this incident in with the way he is conducting his management style at Nortel.

    What is the real issue here?

    a)is it a chance for them to seek revenge by expressing their distaste towards Mr.Hackney and he way he is implementing his responsibilities?
    b)a real genuine commitment to proper ethics for all Nortel employees including management?

    While many employees have the right to voice their opinion,if there is indeed a desire to express their animosity towards Mr.Hackney for what appears to be lack of consideration,then I would encourage all to direct these feelings to none other than Mr.Zafirovski.

    It is a well known fact that Nortel has had to deal with a real cultural issue right from the bottom all the way to the very top,and as many have witnessed even many top level managers are no longer with the company, this is proof that Mr.Zafirovski is determined to fix an ailing Nortel.

    If many feel that this blog is the only way to vent their frustration towards upper management,then it is quite obvious that the lines of communication are less than ideal between employees and upper management, which only lends support to the cultural issues within the company.

    I would believe that Mr.Zafirovski is a strong proponent of ensuring proper code of ethics and conduct at a company in the process of reorganizing,especially under his command and all the well documented troubles that it faces.

    The bigger picture tells a different story,one that is a company currently undergoing much needed revamping of its daily operations right across to the much needed cultural change,will Mr.Zafirovski terminate Mr.Hackney right in the middle of his aligned duties that will ultimately help Nortel become more efficient to better compete and survive,or does cater to the few who may appear resentful of Mr.Hackney and his actions outside of company activity?

    Maybe every employee who commits offences outside company activites should be fired for their actions,let’s look at some examples:

    1)Joe is not paying child support-maybe he should be fired for being a deadbeat dad- boy that will really help the situation!

    2)Johnny went out Friday night and had a few too many to drink resulting in an altercation with a fellow bar patron ultimately being arrested and spending the night in jail-maybe Nortel should fire him even though he is a valuable Nortel employee

    3)Jane is currently having an affair with another married man,kind of unethical isn’t it?-maybe Nortel should fire her even though she is one the top ranking customer support personel?

    It is critical to not lose sight of the single most important issue here,and that is to work towards the betterment of a company that so urgently needs it.If firing every employee who ever commits an infraction whether it be in or outside company activities,pretty soon Nortel would find itself in a serious shortage of qualified staff because the company took issue with what these employees did in their personal lives!

    Perspective all too often gets lost in the fray on the count of human emotions!

  78. female employee Says:

    Not a Nortel Employee Says: –

    “This was a parking lot altercation, and though distasteful, not serious.” …..

    Have you ever been grabbed “by the face”….. ???

  79. x-employee Says:

    Based on my experience with Mike Z., I have my doubts about him doing the right thing concerning this issue. I worked for Nortel several years and attempted to fix some major information security issues in Asia. As I had reported the issues to corporate leaders without success, I reported it to Mike Z. He assured me that I would receive NO repercussions for bringing the issues to his attention. Approximately 3 months later, I was demoted. This was after the site leader had already stated I achieved more in 4 months leading information security then Asia and Corporate leaders had accomplished in 4 years. I brought this to Mike Z’s attention and informed him that I would be leaving the company (I obviously suffered repercussions) and he ignored my email and others I sent. So, I resigned from my job. I have copies of all the emails to backup my story and I would guess Mike realized there was a problem and didn’t want to deal with the issue because it involved a VP and Director in Asia. In my opinion, I would say what he allowed to happen to me put his integrity in question.
    Upper management often “gets away” with much more then the “standard” employee. It is a shame Nortel doesn’t use the talent they have at all levels and accomplish some amazing things. It has been a sad ride watching Nortel being mismanaged for so many years and in turn leading to their current situation. Those that caused the problems have commonly been rewarded and retained their jobs, while the real talent lost their jobs.

    If Mike does nothing, I think the employees will feel something like what I felt when I was punished for putting attention onto Sr. Leaders for neglecting their duties. However, the employees at Nortel have been taking a beating for some time now. One has to feel sorry for many of them and hope all this will end soon.

    I really hope they turn things around and start doing the right things.

  80. Nortel Employee Says:

    Hackney entered a deferred prosecution agreement. This means the person making the complaint and the prosecuter have agreed to dismiss the charges if Hackeny does a few things.

    Anyone who wishes to enter a deferred prosecution agreement must admit to the allegations. The admission is only and admission if they fail to perform the required actions…community service etc. Once Hackney does the items listed in the agreement this entire matter will be dismissed.

    For the record, most items of this nature never even go to deferred prosecution.


    I guess most people believe that Hackney should have made this young woman come to court and deal with a dream team of lawyers.

    Ashley Cannon, the assistant district attorney can confirm that Alicia Ogden signed the deferred prosecution agreement prior to Hackney.

  81. Female Employee Says:

    “I guess most people believe that Hackney should have made this young woman come to court and deal with a dream team of lawyers.”

    As was already addressed, it is impressive that this young woman followed through with the police as she did. To expect her to “deal” with his dream team of lawyers- hasn’t she already dealt with enough? Is it irresponsible for a young woman, who was most likely shaken up for quite some time after the assault, to seek a course of action against the man who grabbed her that doesn’t involve reliving the whole experience in front of JH and his “dream team?” I don’t think so.

    Whether or not JH belongs at Nortel is still up for debate, but there is no debate regarding the seriousness of the matter. Manager or janitor, no one has a right to reach into someone else’s car to grab AND threaten them. He is a hypocrite if he remains in a company that prides itself on ethical behavior.

    Defend JH as a manager all you want. He proved to the public, the company, and the shareholders that as a person he is a pig.

  82. Nortel Code of Ethic Certified Employee Says:

    As a Nortel employee I have taken Nortel’s Code of Ethics training. JH has violated the Code of Ethics. It does not matter that the offense was on a Non-Nortel site.

    If Mike Z is serious about his Code of Ethics, he needs to fire JH……no severance……no package.

    I hopes he lets the door hit ass on the way out !

  83. europe Says:

    @Nortel Employee

    So you are playing the legal thing here. Right. JH could have hired a dream team of laywers, likely gettig him out this thing, by furter intimidating Alicia Ogden and her 3! firends/witnesses in the car.
    But, by suggesting a “dream team of laywers” you implicitly admit that these are 2 absolutly different things: HAVING right and GETTING right in front of a court.
    We are talking about the undoubted facts happening on that parking lot. And based on these, JH is to be fired today if Z’s “zero tolerance” of ethical abuses initiative was ever worth the paper if was ever printed on! No matter what a “dream team of laywers” could have done for JH at court side.

  84. Mark Evans - When Blogs Get Out Front of a Story Says:

    […] (and the story had been picked up by a North Carolina newspaper. the News Observer). So, I wrote a post asking whether Nortel CEO Mike Zafirovski should keep […]

  85. another Nortel employee Says:

    This guy has only been @ Nortel since 2005 so he has no reputation with the company anyway, get rid of his ass! Nortel does not need anyone like that in that type of roll. His arrogance comes across from the article too

    As per the news article – Ogden said in the affidavit. “I told him not to touch me and he responded that he’ll do what he wants.”

    He has already made some cash with stock options. Unlike most the veterens at Nortel….this guy hasnt even been here 2 years.
    12-Dec-06 HACKNEY JESSE JOEL JR Officer 4,686 Direct Sale at $22.65 per share. $106,137

  86. Yet Another NT employee Says:

    Z man said (ZERO) tolerance when we did our ethic’s training Lets see if he follows through.

    Of course when your at that level you can “DO WHAT YOU WANT”, isn’t that right Hackney.

  87. Not a Nortel Employee Says:

    “Have you ever been grabbed “by the face”….. ???”


    Is that worse than being punched in the face?

    Probably not, from a legal standpoint. After all the charge was misdemeanor assault, at least according to the court calendar and the articles published so far.

    Had he punched her, it could have been a felony.

  88. Zero "T" Says:

    Mike JH is really a JA and needs to be let go!!!!!!!!!!

  89. Paks Says:

    I’ve heard that the reason that he plead guilty was because he wanted his case closed within 48 hours….

  90. NT Tough Guy Says:

    Kick his A$$ Zbass

  91. UNC Student Says:

    I think Hackeny’s behavior is aweful. Who does this guy think he is, really who assults a 21 year old girl (who has more right to be at the game than he does) for honking her horn at him. He has lost his grip on reality and needs to be fired. Is this what your company wants to represent? Who would want to work for an a$$hole like him? I hope this girl graduates, becomes his boss and fires his sorry a$$. Who ever is running the show on Nortel’s end, don’t think that this hasn’t gome unnoticed.

  92. upset_nt_employee Says:

    Though it is his personal life, but really in his position he is also a public figure too. He is supposed to be a leader of thousands of employees. He is supposed to be a person who should inspire others. There goes the inspiration ( from my perspective he is a bully and that is the way I will see him, this guy can not make a rational decision). Mike Z talks about family life, integrity, community building etc. etc. etc. This now does not mean anything if this guy just gets a slap on the hand. Either way it is a no win situation for NT. If he stays he is a jerk that we have deal with and is a potential liability for us. If he leaves we will lose tons of money.

  93. Joe Friday Says:

    If you go about 1/3 down the page you’ll see case #97. This is Joel’s case in Orange County Criminal Court last Thursday. Still looking for more details on the actual charges.

  94. Sgt Joe Friday Says:

    Links from NC Court System/Orange County on the case. Not lot of info, still searching for case details.

    This is the court records from the Feb 22nd appearance:

    Looks like he did get fingerprinted, and paid $1 bond with a promise to appear at a later date.

    Note: WPA = with promise to appear
    CLS A1, 1 = misdemeanor offense

    These are court calendar appointments for May 17, 2007 appearance:,JESSE,JOEL&courtDate=05/17/2007&courtRoom=0002&session=AM,JESSE,JOEL&courtDate=05/17/2007&courtRoom=0002&session=AM,JESSE,JOEL&courtDate=05/17/2007&courtRoom=0002&session=AM

  95. Disgusted Employee Says:

    Sadly this incident comes a no surprise. Hackney thinks he is a god and everyone is to bow down to him or suffer the conseqences. How dare someone honk at the mighty Joel Hackney.
    His demeaning attitude comes out in every employee information session he holds. What respect I had for him is gone forever. We don’t need leaders with “issues”running this company. What a loser.
    Mr. Z what are you waiting for?

  96. Narf 9 Says:

    Joel Hackney’s sorry episode took place on Oct 13th 2006.

    On Nov 6th 2006 NT’s outstanding and celebrated Chief Ethics Officer (Susan Shepard) quit for no really obvious reason.


    I’m wondering if the timing of these two events could be related?


  97. not_naive_employee Says:

    PAKS could be right, although I think that JH would have preferred to close that case as “opened in error”.

    The problam very likely arose because JH wanted show is departement how he recovers emergencies.. When she honked at him, he thought there’s an outage going on in the girls’s brain. So he stopped and went over to her car to ask what’s the problem. But he couldn’t figure it out (well, he cut her) so he decided to resolve the situation with a reboot. Joel grabbed her face and pressed the button ….

    JH described it as a parking lot argument, like 30 seconds.
    JOEL you had 30 MINUTES not 30 SECONDS !!!!!!!!!

  98. Another NT Employee Says:

    Will someone post mugshots?

  99. Long Time Nortel Employee Says:

    “Let He who is without sin cast the 1st stone”….

    I am sure Mike Z is/will perform an investigation about Joel’s conduct within Nortel to see if there are similar incidents…..and once he finishes his due diligence, he will make a formal decision…..”one incident or alleged incident does not a trend make”….so once this is validated we can go back to work in trying to make Nortel great again rather than “some of us” trying to crucify JH without knowing all of the facts….Trust me if there were to have been an actual serious altercation the Student would have asked for more than an apology…and some free basketball tickets….There are 2 sides to every story so be careful in throwing JH under the bus based upon your limited knowledge….

  100. Shareholder Says:

    Hackney’s message should have been “I was WRONG for instigating this incident by cutting this young lady off. When she honked her horn, I let my anger get the best of me. I was very WRONG for putting my hands on another human being, especially a defenseless girl. There is NO EXCUSE for my actions. I have brought shame to Nortel and my family. I am getting counseling for my anger management. I will work very hard to regain your trust”. Unfortunately that would have been a lie. He believes he had the right to do what he did and has become an embarassment and liability for Nortel. If he had provided a sincere apology, this whole thing would have blown over.

    The “psychiatrist” says Hackney was brought in for a purpose. Yes. It was to restore Nortel’s reputation and bring ethics and integrity back to the executive team. He made every employee attend Ethics Training in which we learned that even when we are in public, we are representing Nortel and need to be mindful of our behavior. Too bad he doesn’t practice what he preaches. If the “psychiatrist” really is one, I hope he wasn’t hired to handle Hackney’s mental evaluation for anger management. All he did was make excuses for this deplorable behavior. If he really is a psychiatrist he would realize he is enabling that behavior. After all, Hackney can’t change what he doesn’t acknowledge and he has not acknowledged any wrongdoing. If she had mace when he reached in her car, he might think twice before behaving this way.

  101. Ashamed of this PIG of a company Says:

    I agree with the poster that says this is no surprise. Nortel & ethics have as much in common as gourmet and jail food.

    If companies were people, Nortel would be Pee Wee Herman. Full of pansies and cowards like Mr Hackney.

    I propose Mr Hackney have a boxing match to redeem himself. Only this time it will be a MALE fighting him.

    Joey boy, dont forget to wear your depends, as I’m sure you’ve never faced let alone fought a MAN before. Mike Z can have a spare set of depends in your corner. You’re going to need’em.

  102. Anonymous Says:

    Joel Hackney is the very essence of how Nortel execs behave. The “I’m better than you” attitude, the condescending demeanor, the cowardice, the abuse.

    Mike Z, you have made yourself proud with this find. I bet you’ll groom him to be your “mini’me”.

    Joel – I dare yout o do what you did to that student to a MAN. but you never will as you lack a pair. I’d happily way this to your face too, after I grab it and do a bit of rearranging to it.

  103. Anon Says:

    Is Joel going to host the Global International Women’s Day Celebration in RTP on March 8th?

  104. What Rules Apply? None for JH!!!! Says:

    I think Narf 9 is on to something. Our executives could not abide by the ethics set forth for the rest of the Nortel population and Susan quit.

    It is sad that we drive the best people out of our organizations. We have lost some of the best employees to our competators. I am sure this will help a few more of them make a decision to leave Nortel.

  105. Anonymous Says:

    This will get censored, no doubt, by the little Joey Hackneys that run this blog.

    I would gladly pay this young lady’s CCH lincese fees and buy her a firearm of her choosing if she promised to use it next time a COWARD PANSY WOMANIZER like JOel Hackney comes along.

    Mr Hackney, if I thought, even remotely, that you’d accept a challenge from a MAN I’d dare you. But you’d most likely run to MikeZzzzzzzzzzz and cry to him.

    Nortel = Pee Wee Herman

  106. Pundit Says:

    I have often wondered why Z came to NT. He already has the money, and I am left with wanting his ego stroked for leading one of the most dramatic comebacks of a telecom company.

    JJH should be fired. Period and I would bet 100% SS would sing like a parrot if her severance package did not limit from speaking publicly. No doubt it is the reason she left.

    Bottom line any company must have the admiration of its employees if it truely wants to be a success in the market. Short term is one thing…just ask Roth or Dunn, but MikeZ has lost the battle given few of his employees can look him in the face with any respect.

    If he was going to do anything, he would have done it by now. I am sure ESAT feedback with provide MikeZ lots of opinions on JJH.

    Good news though, karma always comes your way and one day JJH will find someone honking at him that has a big person in the back seat and a woman driving. Bubba will get out and give ol Jesse the beatdown of his life!

    I do hope it is captured and posted on Utube though 🙂

  107. Happy X-Nortel GNPS ENG Says:

    After reading the harrowing exploits of Super Joel’s display of pugilism I wonder what he would have done if it was a child in a car seat and a
    Fisher Price steering wheel and plastic horn with the gall to beep at him.
    Slam the child against his high dollar SUV? My decision to leave Nortel
    was made after one of his “GIS Dishonest Sessions”. I didn’t like his
    character then and this incident solidifies my opinion of him.

  108. Won't be taken seriously again Says:

    My Husband works in Hackney’s org. He says that Joel will never be taken seriously by his organization again. He needs to come forward and explain what he did was wrong….but doesn’t figure he will and because of that is seen as a disgrace to Nortel. Regardless if this was in his personal life or not, he has to lead by example. Wonder if he bought the basketball game tickets or if they were Nortel seats? If they were Nortel seats….this is a Company matter….not a personal matter. If hubby got tickets and F’d up…..he’d be a goner by now. My hubby equates Joel to that pencil neck geek in high school who is now taking his revenge on the world for all those wedgies he received back in the day. Rose to the top too fast, he’s cocky and arrogant which is very clear by the comments he made to Alicia. Figures he can do whatever he wants and if anyone steps in his way, its payback for the wedgies. Very well Joel. You are doing what you want. Acting a fool and disrespected by your staff. Carry on dork!!!

  109. Anonymous Says:

    Answer to Anon:

    I think he should host the Global International Women’s Day Celebration as scheduled. He also should apologize publicly to what he has done and maybe getting down on his knees and shed some tears could maybe convince that he´s a good fella.

  110. Anti-Z Says:

    Miek Z and his inaction has send a clear and direct message that executives that assault women are ethical and acceptable to him. The next time he has a GIS, I would LOVE for someone ask him whay he accepts a woman beater as part of his canibet. Disgusting. Mike Z, you should quit.

  111. another_nortel_employee Says:

    In my experience, JH had cultivated a reputation among employees as being arrogant and out of touch with the ‘little people’ even before this ‘incident’ well beyond what seems to be normal for executives within Nortel. It would not surprise me if his leaving resulted in more than modest celebration among many employees. It seems though, that if something was going to be done, it would have been done by now … it’s unfortunate that modus operandi seems to be rule through fear and force rather than earn respect …

  112. The psychiatrist Says:

    congradulations- longtime Nortel employee,that was a well thought outv and balanced assessment of the current situation invloving Mr.Hackney allegations.

    As I would imagine you are already cognizant of the fact that people tend to act upon in a herd like mentality,thus the reason for the majority of the anti Joel Hackney posts.

  113. JH leads by example Says:

    Great example JH….

    Your sound judgement is the best……not!

  114. NOT A Nortel employee Says:

    Well…after reading all the above comments. It seems to me that all Nortel employees, both current and x-employees need to attend anger management courses. With all the “mature” advice and language being used to make suggestions to Mike Z and Nortel, really makes me wonder as a non-employee what kind of people are you. Did you see this incident take place? NO. Only JJH, AO and GOD really know what took place that evening. Stop taking this story and using it as a way to make jabs at a person you didn’t like while working for Nortel. No matter who you may be. You don’t know the real truth. Stop judging people by what position they hold in a company. It is sad that most likely, 90% of you people that have commented in this blog do not even know JJH. I have worked for both large and small companies. Typically the people listed at the bottom of the hierarchy are the first to make judgments because they just wish they could be in the “higher” position… making all the bucks. If JJH was just another UNC student and AO accused him of these actions….it would have been considered a 30 second disagreement. How sad the world has become. You try running a division of 10,000 + employees and see if everyone in your division will like you!!! Good for you if you left Nortel because you didn’t like how things were ran. What in the world does your decision in leaving the company have anything to do with this incident. Go do your current job, that is, if you have one.

  115. gladIamgone Says:

    quoting NOT A Nortel employee: “Well…after reading all the above comments. It seems to me that all Nortel employees, both current and x-employees need to attend anger management courses.”

    in most cases you are confusing anger with what is really total disdain and disgust for Hackney’s unacceptable behavior….this is about ethics, integrity and leadership, none of which have been exhibited by Hackney or Nortel in this matter

  116. ethical employee Says:

    As an ethical employee, he should resign from Nortel rather than being asked to leave. If brought the company into disrepute because of his personal tirade, then he should resign. How can expect to get the respect if he stays on?

  117. wolf Says:

    obviously SS must have wanted JH fired.

  118. Work with Hackney Says:

    I work with JH and will attest to his integrity and leadership. It is ashamed that so many judgmental people are leaving such ignorant comments.

    Here is a link to the JDRF fundraiser that Hackney was corporate chair for. What have you ever done for anyone?

  119. This blog is illegal Says:

    Why have you been filtering this blog. Numerous positive posts have been documented. You are obviously biased and a fraud. If you do not post this or include the positive posts you have omitted you fraud will be revealed.

    You sit on a high horse, but clearly have an agenda that is not obvious to your readers. This information is being sent to Nortel and I hope the take the appropriate legal action.

  120. just_a_nortel_employee Says:

    @NOT A Nortel employee Says: you miss the point here. JJH stepped out of his car and offended AO. The Nortel employees here express their anger. They don’t go and touch Joel or offend him. That’s the difference, we have our anger under control. though we are angry we don’t go and behave like lunatics.
    Ok, some comments here are really ugly, but that’s a minority.
    And of course we don’t know the whole story. But even if JH was stressed, pissed of and in a real bad mood, grabbing a girls face, inviting her commillitone to get out of the car, that’s too much. She said she was terrfied and shaking after the incident and had to pull over after it. Executive or plumber, this is a no.
    And keep in mind, he is responsible for many employees, young grils, experienced women, young and old man, managers and low level emloyees. Such a person needs self control especially under stress. I also miss the explanation for his behaviour, but it cannot be excused.

  121. zmam Says:

    All of us at Nortel have an obligation to act with personal and professional integrity. These behaviors are the hallmarks of great leaders and great companies. I place as high a value on integrity and ethics as I do our goals of driving superior performance and business results.

    “I want you to know that I am taking full responsibility for the consequences of my actions. I have also communicated my personal apology to Ms. Ogden. I know this incident has caused embarrassment for my family, my employer and my co-workers. I am truly sorry.”

    That said, I know Joel is taking this incident very seriously and will use it to work to become an even better leader.

    Mike Z

  122. A NT employee Says:

    I’m sure if I did this, I’d be collecting unemployment. Unfortunately, it was done by a high profile executive. These people just can’t act this way then expect to be looked up to as saviors of the company. There is no excuse for grabbing another person’s face. If JJH has any integrity or any concern for the company, he will leave. Or if Mike Z has any, he will let him go.

    To “NOT A Nortel employee” are you really JJH? “Only JJH, AO, and GOD really know what took place that evening” are you kidding? Who cares if I know him? I didn’t know Jeffrey Dahmer, either. And about us “bottom” people, what are you, an elitist? No, us bottom dwellers that have stayed with company are hoping for some leadership at the top to bring Nortel back and be proud again.

    He assulted some one for God’s sake. Open your eyes, idiot.

  123. 30 seconds of crime Says:

    It only takes a split second to make a stupid implusive decision. He shouldn’t have even exited his car. That was his first terroristic action. Then he put his hands on someone. Strike two. Then he mocked his victim…. Geez louise.

    The minimalization of the incident by JH cleary demonstrates his lack of ownership of the root problem. Anger management doesn’t help people who want to be helped.

    The 5:30 email from the Z-ster, says that JH will use this incident to become “even a better leader.” Hmph.

  124. 30 seconds of crime Says:

    correction: Anger Management only helps people who want help.

  125. Disillusioned NT employee Says:

    We just got the following annoucement from Mike Z –

    All of us at Nortel have an obligation to act with personal and professional integrity. These behaviors are the hallmarks of great leaders and great companies. I place as high a value on integrity and ethics as I do our goals of driving superior performance and business results.

    As many of you know, there has been great concern recently because of an incident involving one of our co-workers and a leader, Joel Hackney. Given the nature of this incident I want to personally restate our commitment to ethics and integrity and share the action we have taken.

    Last October, following a basketball game that he attended with his wife and children, Joel was involved in an incident that resulted in him entering into a consent agreement, which means he is required to complete certain actions by May 2007 before the charges will be completely dismissed.

    Nortel takes this incident very seriously and, for the last six days, Chief Compliance Officer Bob Bartzokas has led a rigorous review involving numerous external and internal interviews (the internal interviews were with employees in and outside of Joel’s organization). This process was comprehensive in nature and I want to assure you that we took full account of all the employee input and response we’ve received regarding the incident.

    Bob and the Compliance Committee completed their review and concluded the October incident was isolated. The Committee recommended certain appropriate actions and advised the board of directors of its findings and recommendations. The specific details of the actions will remain private, as they would for any Nortel employee.

    Joel deeply regrets this incident and the impact it is having on everyone concerned. Knowing my intent to update you today, he asked me to share the following statement:

    “I want you to know that I am taking full responsibility for the consequences of my actions. I have also communicated my personal apology to Ms. Ogden. I know this incident has caused embarrassment for my family, my employer and my co-workers. I am truly sorry.”

    Joel is a leader with an important mandate who will need to continue to challenge his team to perform at world-class levels while exemplifying our leadership and core values. His track record includes very strong results and his leadership capability has been validated by employee assessments (as recent as December 2006), which included feedback from all of his direct reports. That said, I know Joel is taking this incident very seriously and will use it to work to become an even better leader.

    I am absolutely confident of Joel’s ability to execute our business objectives, and he has given me his full assurance that he will hold to the highest ethical and professional standards expected of a Nortel leader.

    Mike Z

    I have just one question….

    What does ZERO tolerance mean? One strike and you’re out? Obviously an isolated incident doesn’t count!!! I thought that any actions that brought Nortel into question or disrepute was enough to invoke the zero tolerance clause….. There must be more than one interpretation of zero tolerance….but I can only see one…can someone please help me out here!!

  126. Read this Says:

    Just sent out internally to employees:

    All of us at Nortel have an obligation to act with personal and professional integrity. These behaviors are the hallmarks of great leaders and great companies. I place as high a value on integrity and ethics as I do our goals of driving superior performance and business results.

    As many of you know, there has been great concern recently because of an incident involving one of our co-workers and a leader, Joel Hackney. Given the nature of this incident I want to personally restate our commitment to ethics and integrity and share the action we have taken.

    Last October, following a basketball game that he attended with his wife and children, Joel was involved in an incident that resulted in him entering into a consent agreement, which means he is required to complete certain actions by May 2007 before the charges will be completely dismissed.

    Nortel takes this incident very seriously and, for the last six days, Chief Compliance Officer Bob Bartzokas has led a rigorous review involving numerous external and internal interviews (the internal interviews were with employees in and outside of Joel’s organization). This process was comprehensive in nature and I want to assure you that we took full account of all the employee input and response we’ve received regarding the incident.

    Bob and the Compliance Committee completed their review and concluded the October incident was isolated. The Committee recommended certain appropriate actions and advised the board of directors of its findings and recommendations. The specific details of the actions will remain private, as they would for any Nortel employee.

    Joel deeply regrets this incident and the impact it is having on everyone concerned. Knowing my intent to update you today, he asked me to share the following statement:

    “I want you to know that I am taking full responsibility for the consequences of my actions. I have also communicated my personal apology to Ms. Ogden. I know this incident has caused embarrassment for my family, my employer and my co-workers. I am truly sorry.”

    Joel is a leader with an important mandate who will need to continue to challenge his team to perform at world-class levels while exemplifying our leadership and core values. His track record includes very strong results and his leadership capability has been validated by employee assessments (as recent as December 2006), which included feedback from all of his direct reports. That said, I know Joel is taking this incident very seriously and will use it to work to become an even better leader.

    I am absolutely confident of Joel’s ability to execute our business objectives, and he has given me his full assurance that he will hold to the highest ethical and professional standards expected of a Nortel leader.

    Mike Z

  127. Tyrone Says:

    Give the brother a break, what a man does outside Nortel is his business. He might have been in a shitty mood. If this was the other way i.e. a woman exec pulling a similar stunt on a guy, I wonder how many of you people would ask Z-man to kick her out.

  128. Another Long-Time Employee Says:

    To the Psychiatrist:

    You wrote “I recall the girl in question walked away in one piece, no blood or trauma to the body”. Either you are a wanna-be psychiatrist or you suck at your job. Since when does a “psychiatrist” say “there was no blood or trauma to the body” so therefore there was no harm. Your stupidity ceases to amaze me. You are either Joel’s drinking buddy or a poor excuse for a psychiatrist hired to get Joel’s sorry ass out of this embarassing situation that HE caused. You seem to think he has had a huge positive effect on Nortel during his short tenure. Don’t confuse the temporary rise in stock price with success.

    The company has had to make some tough decisions in the last several years. People don’t resent Mike Z because they feel he is trying to do what is required to keep the company successful in the long-run. Then there is Joel whose arrogance and lack of knowledge of the telecommunications industry has resulted in declining CSAT, ESAT, and product quality. But he’s only in it for the short-term and then plans to walk away with millions and an even bigger EGO. He was brought in to restore Nortel’s image but instead has caused more harm. He should be FIRED WITH CAUSE and walk away with nothing.

    Long-Time Employee,

    As another long-time employee, I’m disappointed you didn’t stick to the facts which are:

    * Joel started the whole incident by cutting this young lady off.
    * She honked her horn (a natural reaction to someone cutting you off).
    * He got out of his car to confront and intimidate a 21-year old GIRL.
    * When she asked him to stop he said he would DO WHAT HE WANTS.
    * When the young lady in the back seat asked him to please leave them
    alone, he asked her to get out of the car so he could teach her a lesson.
    * When faced with the facts, he wasn’t MAN enough to admit he was
    wrong. Instead he brushed it off as a MINOR incident.

    What other FACTS do you need? What kind of MAN does this? A very SMALL one. Why do you make excuses for his behavior? Nortel was once the best company out there. To not be angry at someone who does everything they can to destroy Nortel’s reputation and future just means you don’t have the backbone to stand up for what is right. You know what that means? You may have a future in Hackney’s cabinet. He likes to surround himself with YES men! After all, it’s his way or the highway.

    You say “Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone”. In the many years I’ve been at Nortel, I have NEVER met another employee who behaved as unprofessionally as he did. To suggest that we all behave this badly sometimes is ludicrous. Too bad she didn’t have a STONE to throw in his “Doogey-Howser” face when he tried to grab her. Get rid of him.

  129. Mike Z responds Says:

    Mike Z responded in an email to all employees. Anybody have a copy to post? Heard from a friend

  130. NOT A Nortel employee Says:

    For you “GladIamgone”…………..It’s only “total disdain and disgust” if this incident actually happend the way AO claimed it did. AGAIN…you were not at the scene. Two sides to every story. If the story had been a top exec. approached a car full of young men and they got in an argument after Hackney cut them off….. this whole thing would not have been even mentioned. Think about it….It’s a great story. Top exec. from Nortel threatens innocent young lady after leaving a UNC event. Girl was shaking from fear. What is that? She had three witnesses in the car..(so the story is told). Are you telling me one of them couldn’t jump out and call for help if that is truely how the story went. My knowledge of UNC parking lots is they typically have security guard stations around each level. With the typical UNC event’s traffic congestion, no one else noticed this situation taking place? And if she was really upset by his actions, what kind of excuse is not taking him to court because I don’t want to miss a week of classes? That sounds like, “it wasn’t that bad”. It’s sounding like she is second guessing the actual situation and maybe regretful for taking it this far. (just a thought)

    If I was assaulted like she claimed, I would have done whatever it took to make sure that person pay for their actions. Even if it meant missing a week of classes. But…that’s just me!

    Good for you that you’ve left a company that you were obviously not happy with. But again….what does that have to do with this incident? The pulic is making this a public matter. I’m certain that If JJH was the mail carrier of Nortel, this wouldn’t have been an issue at ALL!!!!!!! Good luck with your non Nortel career.

  131. Disappointed Says:

    Mike Z’s response to employees:

    All of us at Nortel have an obligation to act with personal and professional integrity. These behaviors are the hallmarks of great leaders and great companies. I place as high a value on integrity and ethics as I do our goals of driving superior performance and business results.

    As many of you know, there has been great concern recently because of an incident involving one of our co-workers and a leader, Joel Hackney. Given the nature of this incident I want to personally restate our commitment to ethics and integrity and share the action we have taken.

    Last October, following a basketball game that he attended with his wife and children, Joel was involved in an incident that resulted in him entering into a consent agreement, which means he is required to complete certain actions by May 2007 before the charges will be completely dismissed.

    Nortel takes this incident very seriously and, for the last six days, Chief Compliance Officer Bob Bartzokas has led a rigorous review involving numerous external and internal interviews (the internal interviews were with employees in and outside of Joel’s organization). This process was comprehensive in nature and I want to assure you that we took full account of all the employee input and response we’ve received regarding the incident.

    Bob and the Compliance Committee completed their review and concluded the October incident was isolated. The Committee recommended certain appropriate actions and advised the board of directors of its findings and recommendations. The specific details of the actions will remain private, as they would for any Nortel employee.

    Joel deeply regrets this incident and the impact it is having on everyone concerned. Knowing my intent to update you today, he asked me to share the following statement:

    “I want you to know that I am taking full responsibility for the consequences of my actions. I have also communicated my personal apology to Ms. Ogden. I know this incident has caused embarrassment for my family, my employer and my co-workers. I am truly sorry.”

    Joel is a leader with an important mandate who will need to continue to challenge his team to perform at world-class levels while exemplifying our leadership and core values. His track record includes very strong results and his leadership capability has been validated by employee assessments (as recent as December 2006), which included feedback from all of his direct reports. That said, I know Joel is taking this incident very seriously and will use it to work to become an even better leader.

    I am absolutely confident of Joel’s ability to execute our business objectives, and he has given me his full assurance that he will hold to the highest ethical and professional standards expected of a Nortel leader.

    Mike Z

  132. BMan Says:

    Do you really think this is an isolated incident? Top execs get to the top by being of a ruthless or I-only-care-about-myself sort of nature. Probably its just that, this time, this woman filed charges. And he happened to be a top exec at the the time at a company where observers are quick to jump on any dirt. The incident is not related to the company. He is making amends. It would have been foolish for ZMan to tie this event to his value in the company. And if ZMan knows Joel, he already knows his nature. The incident will be forgotten. Having said that, I sure there’s a lot we don’t know about the incident, and that’s the way they want to keep it.

  133. anonymous Says:

    You guys have plenty of time obviously -) And you seem to know Joel on a very personal basis, so I assume all of you belong to Nortel senior management with not too much to do, because I do belong to his organization at a medium level and I am ashamed but I must admit I do not know him as good as you do…

    On a personal basis, not knowing exactly what happened (I was not there) nor the actors, I would say I can’t comment…

    Gore values ? Sorry made a typo…

  134. Anonymous Says:

    “The pulic is making this a public matter.”

    Unbeknownst to you, any matters involving the legal system are PUBLIC MATTERS.

    You break the law, it’s the STATE vs. YOU, and as far as I know, the Sate and its courts are a matter of public record.

  135. A NT Employee Says:

    To NOT A Nortel employee:

    I really find it funny that you don’t get this.

    Were you at the scene? If not, then why do you so defend JJH? Besides, we didn’t have to be there, JJH admited to the incident. Done.

    If the car had been full of men, JJH probably would not have stepped out of his car for fear of getting the pulp beaten out of him. He stepped out because they were girls and he knew he could intimidate them. Even so, it was dumb for him to get out of the car…what if it was a group of guys that beat him up? What if they had a gun or other weapon? JJH showed total disregard for himself and his family in his rage.

    The reason this is a big deal is, in fact, that JJH is a top dog at a company recovering from an Ethical issue. As a #2 guy (and any top dog), he is supposed to be our example and champion of Ethical conduct, complying to our Core Values, and exhibiting our Leadership qualities. If he cannot make the commitment, then let him go.

    Would you want to be a direct report or colleague of this guy knowing he could fly off the handle like that?

    And quite frankly, if this was a mail carrier at NT, it would in fact have been an issue and in fact he would have been let go. Maybe not at your company, but at the new Nortel.

  136. Say Do Says:

    A Message for Mike Z….

    You are trying to change the culture…good for you
    The employees, the customers, the street want to believe in you..
    Zero Tolerance was your bar…you set it for the company
    You also implemented a program called “Say Do”
    This is a gut check time… what will you Do (the 30 second comment by Joel should be your key)
    Do you understand that you have now set a precedent and it isn’t Zero Tolerance
    Many of us hoped that you were the leader you proclaim to be

  137. gladIamgone Says:

    cool your jets Not A Nortel employee… obviously have infinite “wisdom”, err, your opinion…..carry on White Knight!

  138. Anonymous Says:

    The pulic (sic) is making this a public matter.

    When Hackney referred the incident to Nortel PR, he made it a Nortel issue. Nortel was wrong not confront this issue immediately after it happen. It might explain why Susan Shephard left in November. In way it kind of tells you the kind of behavior Mike Z will put with for profit at any cost. Had this been someone Mike Z had not hired, I doubt they would still be around. Its clearly two sets of rules – one set for anyone Mike Z has hired and another set for everyone else. Credibility is the foundation of leadership and Mike Z and Nortel have none left.

  139. employee Says:

    With regards to Z-creature’s mail to JH incident!

    Nortel farm – some are more equal – right Z?

    The wimp apologizes via your holy ZMAIL – isn’t he man enough to speak on his own to the people of his organization?

    Can even low level employees get a chance that you give them a forum?

    Respect – you told us where you stand!

    Given the last financial statements one has to recognize that you really know where to find the winning team and in whome you can rely. One thing is definately right – you will achieve the goals the former leaders didn’t – > Nortel’s ruin!

  140. DavyAbram Says:

    I’d just accepted a voluntary severance package when the Hackney Rage story broke. I was beginning to wonder if I’d made the right decision, but, hey, thanks Mike and Joel, I’m now convinced I’m right to leave.

    After nearly twenty years with the company I’m delighted to take the money and wipe the dust of Nortel from my feet.

  141. JH leads by example Says:

    If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck…then it must be a duck!

    I now believe there may be two ducks out there 🙂

    Maybe its time to pass out some more kool-aid so we all can praise the great leaders of Nortel.

  142. Concerned Parent Says:

    Just read the article “Nortel stands behind exec after assault case”. It now appears that JH was ready to take on 4 collage girls. Is anything being done to keep this guy off UNC property? Besides missing a couple of games.

  143. weelbaro Says:

    C’mon FOLKS. Do what needs to be done here!!!

    These bullys have gotten to their positions by the same mentality shown by Hackney. They’re all croanies. You all can be the same way. Why on earth don’t the employees at Nortel take the power back, get a petition going demanding this moron’s resignation. Present it to the board and at every other forum presented by the organization. You are not powerless. If I were an employee it’d be worth the minimal risk of negative repercussions. Your company sucks anyways. Believe me, there are better opportunities out there. We need a white collar union.

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